Fashion Revolution #whomademyclothes- The Hoxton Hotel

During my time in London with Emslie Creative I was invited to attend the Fashion Revolution Event held at the Hoxton Hotel to gain better understanding of how to become a more sustainable and conscious citizen. This event took place on the 25th of April which lines up with the Fashion Revolution Week which encourages people to ask #whomademyclothes? This event exists in an attempt to use the power of people to change the fashion industry to become both more transparent and sustainable.
You may wonder why I mentioned that I had attended this event was to become a more sustainable and conscious ‘citizen’. I would like to emphasise this choice of word as it was brought to my attention, by Orsola de Castro who is Founder/Creative Director of Fashion Revolution, that the word consumer means “one who uses up goods or articles”, which suggests that we use a good to the fullest until it is no longer. Which enlightened me to re-think my outlook on fashion, as I or no one I know have ever worn a garment or accessory until it has literally been fully consumed or un-fixable. Therefore, aren’t we just all citizens who desire more material possessions?
I personally do not feel guilty for desiring more than what I have as It is my passion to discover new silhouettes and styles of garment. It is completely understandable that most of us have fashion failures that we would love to never surface again… But what I had never delved into detail of is maybe there are people who could make my fashion fail into something beautiful. Being more sustainable does not solely lie with big companies, they will only react and change when their sales are effected and a sure way to do that is to be creative. Here are two ways you can get started.

1. One of the easiest ways for citizens to become sustainable without spending a penny would be swapping. Exchanging your unloved leg warmers for a cable knit jumper? Why not? You aren’t going to use them again and you would love a new jumper, if the cycle continues there is no reason for you to limit your consumption, (for lack of a better word) but make sure you are exchanging rather than buying and when you are finished with something, re-join the swapping rotation!
2. Alternatively, if you don’t have a strong affinity with fashion then something you probably already do is donate your unloved clothes to charity, which is great! But remember there are more charities than just the sally army at the end of your road! We all know that the bridesmaids dress you were promised you could re-wear after the wedding should never see the light of day ever again so donate that fabric to good use and allow charities such as Cancer Research in collaboration with Tesco to upcycle unwanted clothes or make patchworks or DO IT YOURSELF! It will save you from buying a cheaply and poorly made throw which you will have to throw away!