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7 Morning Rituals for a Successful Day

I’m sure a few of you can vouch that the last few months of 2020 has been characterised by lay-ins, sluggish days and just chilling in front of your TV. Sorry to break it to you but, it’s finally time for a healthy and balanced morning routine!

I’m here to share a few morning habits you should adopt to ensure you have the best, most productive and fulfilling day.

1. Wake up at the same time every morning

This one may seem a little difficult, especially if you’re anything like me and really value those extra minutes of sleep! But, ensuring that you wake up at the same time every morning kickstarts a routine for yourself and can help establish a healthy and maintainable lifestyle! Ps. The early bird gets the worm, don’t forget!

2. Stretch

A very simple step and I promise it can take as little as 5 minutes! We often overlook the importance and benefits of stretching; it can promote better circulation, refreshes our bodies and relieves us of any pain and tension we may have. I’m sure all the hardcore yoga fans can agree with this one, stretching is good for you!

For more information on the benefits of stretching:

3. Coffee

Pretty self-explanatory but, if you need that extra BOOST to your mornings, coffee is your best mate. Not a fan of coffee? Try a simple matcha latte, or chai tea latte, anything to waken your body up more and give yourself a needed burst of energy.

Fancy a walk / trip for your morning coffee? Here are just a few London cafes that are too cute not to visit:

Kaffeine London

Ozone Coffee Roasters

Milkbar Soho


4. Read

This is perfect for those of you who crave quiet and serene mornings, as not only is reading a more educational and productive activity, it also gives you the excuse to sit in complete silence and just … relax before a busy day ahead. Reading in the mornings will leave you feeling inspired and motivated and promotes your own creativity! So, pick up that self-help book you just purchased, or zone out to an awe-inspiring thriller, reading is amazing.

Here’s all the information you need to know about reading first thing in the morning:

(3 books I recommend)

5. Meditate / workout

Getting your body moving and getting your heart rate up first thing in the morning is great for promoting a healthier lifestyle and mindset; once those endorphins are swimming, you feel like you can conquer anything. Whether it’s a light 5-minute HIIT workout or a casual 20-minute Pilates class, your body will thank you for it. So, give yourself that pep talk, put on a cute pair of workout clothes and get your body moving!

Read more about why working out in the morning is extremely beneficial for you:

6. Have a high protein, filling breakfast

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ and there are many reasons for this. Not only does breakfast replenish our bodies of its much needed nutrients, but it also fuels your brain to help you concentrate throughout the day (when you need to push through your 9-5), it kickstarts your metabolism and leaves you less likely to fall for a cheeky, sugary snack later on during the day! Pro tip: if you feel lazy in the mornings, make some overnight oats the night before, that way, you won’t have an excuse not to eat!

Check out all the benefits of having a high protein breakfast:

7. Write a to-do list

Trust me on this one, you’ll be more productive and the satisfaction you get from ticking off your tasks is like no other. However, make sure you set yourself realistic tasks, so you don’t feel overwhelmed and be compelled to give up!

I hope these tips help kickstart your healthy and productive morning routine for a fulfilling working day! These are merely baby steps to establishing the perfect routine for you, remember that it takes time and effort!

Happy working day! X

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